> Therapeutic Massage
Chiropractor in Milwaukie, OR
Therapeutic Massage
// Hands On Chiropractic and Massage
Massage and chiropractic go hand-in-hand to improve the overall health and wellness of the patient while decreasing the need for surgery and other types of conventional treatment. Therapeutic massage is an excellent method for improving overall health and musculoskeletal efficiency.
What’s the difference between relaxation massage and therapeutic massage?
Relaxation massage is the movement of the muscles and tissues of the body using gentle and slow strokes, a bit of force, kneading, and pressing. It helps ease the tension of the muscles that may have become knotted or cramped. It is also a good way to release the toxins from the body. We do offer these services for those seeking this limited type of massage.
Alternatively, therapeutic massage, often referred to as manual therapy, is a recognized alternative treatment that involves bodywork on the muscular and connective tissue system, especially around the spine, as well as the bones and joints of the extremities. These techniques are focused on the local areas affected by an injury or condition rather than the general and overall body. Specific and focused stretches and exercises are also part of this care model.
What are the benefits of therapeutic massage?
Therapeutic massage has many beneficial effects on the body and the mind. Some of these include removal of toxins that can build up in the muscles of the body, increased circulation, and increased flexibility in not only the muscles, but also the connective tissue within the body. Therapeutic massage also can help with muscle spasms as well as support the healing of soft tissue injuries, increasing movement and reducing the overall recovery time.
​We provide therapeutic and relaxation massage services at our Milwaukie location for those living in Milwaukie, Clackamas, Happy Valley and Greater - Portland communities. Call our office today at 503.656.8098, or text at 971.666.7242.